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Birth dose. A birth dose of HepB vaccine serves as postexposure prophylaxis to prevent perinatal HBV infection among infants born to HBV-infected mothers. Although infants requiring postexposure prophylaxis should be identified by maternal HBsAg testing, administration of a birth dose to all infants (even without HBIG) serves as a safeguard to prevent perinatal transmission among infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers not identified prenatally because of lack of maternal HBsAg testing or failures in reporting test results. HepB vaccine or HBIG given alone are 75% and 71% effective in preventing perinatal HBV transmission, respectively; their combined efficacy is 94% (29,52,117). The birth dose also provides protection to infants at risk from household exposure after the perinatal period (29,64).
Our investigation started with a Multiple Double Couples (MDC) analysis (Li and Ji, 2010). We selected 91 waveforms in vertical or transverse components of 51 tele-seismic stations according to signal noise ratio (SNR) and azimuthal coverage. We removed the instrument responses, bandpass filtered from 166 s to 500 s, and aligned with PDE origin time (2011/03/11/05:46:23:70) reported by United States Geological Survey (USGS). Unlike the conventional moment tensor inversion methods (e.g., Dziewonski and Woodhouse, 1983), our method, which aims to resolve focal mechanism change during the co-seismic rupture of large earthquakes, approaches an earthquake source as multiple double-couples. By matching the long period seismic waveforms within the first hour, we simultaneously invert for the centroid location (latitude, longitude, depth), centroid time, strike, dip, rake, and scalar moment of every point source. The half duration is fixed to be , where M0 is the scalar moment in N m (Ekström et al., 2005). The total number of free parameters is then 8N, where N is the number of point sources. During the inversion, we gradually increase N until the F-test suggests that the consequent improvement in waveform fits is no long significant.
Avogadro has grown over its first six years to become an important tool for building, editing, visualizing, and analyzing chemical and molecular data. With over 270,000 downloads, language translations and localizations, and over 100 citations, it has become an integral part of the chemical software toolbox. Through use of the native CML file format and a wide variety of chemical data import, Avogadro can provide semantic chemical data editing and conversion. We seek to provide an integrated environment in the simulation and cheminformatics workflow. While more must be done, particularly in regards to documentation, tutorials, ease-of-use, and automation, we aim to improve the quality and feature set with each new release. 781b155fdc